By: Dylan Bowman, HAHS Board Member
July 17, 2024
HAHS Members gather for an evening of food, fun, and fellowship. Photograph by Dylan Bowman.
The Banquet
Only a few short weeks ago (man, time flies in the summer), we at the Halifax Area Historical Society had our annual banquet at which there was a great gathering of a majority of Society members and like-minded history lovers across the Valley region.
As in years past, the banquet meal was provided by Lori Miller and desserts were provided by Board Members and their families. After the program, entertainment was provided by the local musical sensation and friend of the Society, Lewis (Lew) Leeper, bishop of Pentecostal Pilgrims and Strangers in Halifax and owner of Leeper Construction.
Whoa boy, that man can play the guitar.
It should be further noted that HAHS Officers and Board members were officially inducted by former board member Keith Miller and certificates of recognition were bestowed to all those members of the Halifax community (and beyond) who came out for the last two HAHS Building Project service days (see article on those events here).
(Top) HAHS Board Members are inducted. (Left to right): Ryan Bowman, Dylan Bowman, Lisa Shomper, Dane Snyder, Scott Deppen, Jane Mello, and Robert Warfel. Several board members inducted were not present. Photograph by Emma Bowman.
(Bottom) HAHS Members enjoy the banquet and entertainment by Lewis Leeper. Photographs by Dylan Bowman.
The Next Chapter
It is always one of my favorite events of the Historical Society calendar...the gathering. The food. The new history made. Rarely do we consider that: the fact that, as we gather, we are writing a new chapter in the pages of Halifax history.
I try my best every day to remember that.
With this thought in mind, it is all the more thrilling to see what the HAHS has on the horizon: the Digital Records Committee has digitized a large number of VHS tapes and film reels in the Society archives for YouTube; the Museum Curators continue to sort through and organize the museum; the entire HAHS building is undergoing renovations to save the structure. Incredible new programs are on tap for the rest of 2024. And so much more is right around the bend.
As we all write the next chapter in Halifax history, remember to tell these stories. Spread them like wildfire. They will catch if only we get them started and feed them oxygen. Tell your friends...your parents...your children...your grandchildren...your greatgrandchildren...anyone who will listen. These stories are our history. If we all get involved, even in the smallest of ways over and over again, we will make the greatest difference in our communities and world. My Dad taught me that.
Let's get out there and make history.
Society members enjoy entertainment from Lewis Leeper and fellowship with one another. Photographs by Dylan Bowman.