By: Dylan Bowman, HAHS Board Member
April 26, 2023

A Change in Plans
Originally, the April program for the historical society was to tell the tale of distilling and its history. However, due to a bit of miscommunication between ourselves, the society, and the presenter for the evening, it was discovered that the presenter was not coming for a presentation last night.
But the show had to go on.
HAHS President, Ryan Bowman, jumped into action, taking the place of the absent presenter, instead turning attention for the duration of the evening's program to this very website and its adjacent YouTube channel, designed and curated by HAHS board member, Dylan Bowman.
President Bowman displayed the website to attendees and discussed the potential for increased safety, marketing, and community outreach with such digital means. One of the society's greatest hopes is to preserve and protect the past and Halifax history from further dissolvent. Through Dylan Bowman, the head of the newly established Digital Records Committee, the HAHS records are soon to start digital processing that will form safety records in case of a fire, flood, or other natural disasters (including time itself) that could destroy such records forever.
A Bit of VHS Fun
As a conclusion to the April program, President Bowman played several videos from the HAHS YouTube channel, namely a couple of VHS clips from the regionally recognized Halifax Bicentennial Festivities. The Opening Ceremony and Civil War reenactment videos were among those shown and produced a great deal of cheer within the audience.
To see these and more videos concerning Halifax area history, both past and present, be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel here, so you never miss out on a video or documentary from this site. There is much more to come!
Furthermore, keep an eye open for our monthly events; Donald Peroni now plans to present at the Society, and you don't want to miss out on the history of distilling!
Community members enjoy refreshments and fellowship after Bowman's presentation. Photos by Dylan Bowman.